RK Logistics, Fetch Robotics Featured in SF Chronicle

RK LOGISTICS, FETCH ROBOTICS FEATURED IN SF CHRONICLE Fetch Robotics Melonee Weis delights in showing potential of robots The San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose, CA – Jan. 21, 2018 By Benny Evangelista, business and technology reporter Fetch Robotics CEO Melonee Wise delights in showing potential of robots When she was a child, Melonee Wise’s father […]
RK in Wired Magazine

RK Logistics Increases Productivity with Robots

RK Logistics Increases Productivity with Robots March 30, 2017 RK Logistics announced today the company has completed a successful six-month pilot program with Fetch Robotics, reaching a company milestone in robotics use for the logistics industry. “Fetch has partnered with us to implement programs that make our operation more efficient,” said Landon Spring, Senior Director of […]
RK in Bloomberg

Robots Help RK Employees Be More Productive Behind every order you place online is a picker, a person who navigates a warehouse to find the item you ordered, picks that item off a shelf and brings it to be shipped. That can take a while but Fetch Robotics, a Silicon Valley startup, thinks it has […]